Core Data

Blockchain address of declaring party
Wallet address of current owner
Number of times updated


Enlightened Lizard #18

About Enlightened Lizards

Enlightened Lizards is a NFT collection of utility-driven, digital collectibles that celebrate and unify our amazing community centered around music, art, and positivity. As the genesis collection from PhanFT, created for phans by phans, these NFTs grant membership access into the PhanFT ecosystem and unlock all the benefits that come with it. It's your web3 pass to 4.0 phandom!

Utility-Driven Digital Collectibles

The utility comes in the form of redeemable items attached to the given token's ID. These can be loaded on retro-actively from PhanFT and can be claimed on-chain. Items can take the form of IRL swag and collaborations with community artists, event tickets, token airdrops, and etc. Check out the PhanFT roadmap for more information.

Each token keeps its own state of redeemable items, including what has or hasn't been claimed. For the latest state of this token's redeemable items, view its NFT status page.

NFT Rights & Licensing

This NFT Collection has been MINTangibleā„¢ Pre-Certified. Pre-Certification ensures that each NFT in the collection includes granted license rights for a registered work from a self-verified NFT creator. Access terms here

This NFT is MINTangibleā„¢ Certified to include granted license rights for a registered work from a self-verified NFT creator. When buying this NFT, you are agreeing to be bound by such terms. Access terms here:

Ledger Reference

Source chain of the declaration
N-th block on source ledger
Hash of block
Index of transaction within block including the ISCC-DECLARATION
Hash of transaction that includes the ISCC-DECLARATION